Monday, June 27, 2011

What Do You Think is The Product of a Lotto Outlet?

What do you think is the product of a lotto outlet?

-- Is it the Lotto ticket?............................. No.

--Is it the Lotto Jackpot?......................... No.

--Is it the bet? .........................................No.

No to all of the above.

It is hope.

One time I asked my lotto customer why he continues to bet on the lotto (since its start in 1995) despite not winning the lotto jackpot yet?

And this is his reply:

I have been working as a clerk for 20 years. Do you think my company will pay me enough to start a new life?

Do you think my relatives will give me money to start a New Life?

Do you think the government will give me money to start a New Life?

And that is why he plays the Lotto.

By the way, I would like to invite you to visit my Sulit Homepage as there are some business opportunities that you guys might be able to help me out with.  If you are interested, just click the Sulit Logo below:

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